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Hazelwick School

Our Shared Vision:

For each and every student to achieve their maximum potential.

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Curriculum Overview

The Curriculum provision at Hazelwick School is broad, balanced and fully inclusive. There is an emphasis on promoting strength and success in traditional academic subjects, but this is balanced with a desire to foster variety and personalisation in our provision. The Curriculum is constantly reviewed and developed to not only meet the needs and strengths of our students, but to provide rich opportunities for them to develop a range of skills and enjoy memorable experiences.

Throughout our curriculum we have strength in the core. A significant share of curriculum time is allocated to English and Maths throughout Key Stage 3 and 4 to recognise the importance of success and progress in these key subjects. There is a real breadth of courses and range of levels across the curriculum, addressing the needs of all groups of students; a very strong traditional academic offer balanced with specific vocational and alternative courses.

Key Stage 3 is two years (Years 7 & 8) with Key Stage 4 three years (Years 9, 10 & 11). Key Stage 5 is two years (Years 12 & 13).

Key Stage 3

All students at Hazelwick follow a very broad and balanced curriculum at KS3, which consists of a wide range of subjects taught by specialist teachers. Students are grouped in ways that we feel are most appropriate to their age and ability.  All of the National Curriculum subjects are taught at Key Stage 3.  The content included within the National Curriculum for each subject is also covered. 

In Years 7 - 8, all students study English, Mathematics, Science, Design & Technology, COmputer Science, Geography, Food & Nutrition, Physical Education, PSHE, History, Modern Foreign Languages (French and Spanish), Citizenship and Values, Beliefs & Ethics. Students also study the Creative Arts subjects of Art, Drama and Music.  Religious Education is delivered through Values, Beliefs & Ethics.

A small number of students who need additional support in literacy will follow this course instead of Spanish. Some students have additional numeracy support instead of studying French.

Regular assessment of student performance is undertaken throughout Key Stage 3 and shared with parents via school reports. In Year 8 a final Key Stage 3 “teacher assessment” is made for each core and foundation subject and these are included with the Year 8 report.

Termly Overviews

Key Stage 4

The broad and all-inclusive curriculum of the first two years (Years 7 - 8) becomes much more specifically configured to the individual needs and aspirations of each student in Years 9 -11.

At the end of the Spring term in Year 8 students are invited to select, in consultation with parents/carers and after extensive advice from subject and vocational guidance teachers, a combination of subjects which they wish to study in more depth, generally through a course of study for a GCSE examination, for the following three years.

In Years 9, 10 & 11, the school continues to encourage breadth of study, but the number of compulsory subjects is reduced and some variations on these are available. In addition, students are given greater scope to select a range of other subjects which best suit their interests and abilities. We hope that in this way each individual will choose a programme of study that is most likely to produce a high level of success. All students can access either GCSE subjects or a mixture of GCSE, vocational and work-related subjects to increase the flexibility of what can be chosen and to cater more specifically for the strengths of individuals.

Considerable efforts are made to configure the curriculum to suit students' individual needs. Further information about this is made available during the Spring term of Year 8 when the 'Key Stage 4 Guide' is distributed to all families (and available on our website). In addition, a KS4 Options Evening is organised for students and their parents. During this meeting, further explanation will be given about Hazelwick's options choice system and about the programme of guidance given to all students in the run-up to this very important set of decisions.

Courses currently available to students at Key Stage 4 are:

  • GCSE Core Subjects
    English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Trilogy Science (Double), Separate Sciences (Triple)
  • GCSE Optional Subjects
    Art: Art & Design, Art: Photography, Business, Computer Science, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Design Technology, Drama, French, Geography, History, Media Studies, Music, Physical Education, Sociology, Spanish.
  • Non-GCSE Optional Subjects
    ICT (Cambridge National Certificate), Travel & Tourism (BTEC First Award), Child Development (Cambridge National Certificate), PE: Sport Studies (Cambridge National Certificate), Music Technology (BTEC First Award).
  • Other Core Non-Exam Subjects
    Citizenship and Values, Beliefs & Ethics, PSHE and Sport.

Religious Education is delivered through the Values, Beliefs & Ethics lessons.

Click the links below to view/download subject information (2024 - 2025) for Year 9 - 11:

The Sixth Form

Many students in Year 11 continue in school post-16 in order to undertake Sixth Form study. The Sixth Form is not only large, with over 350 students, but also academically very successful, featuring regularly in the tables of top-performing Sixth Forms published by national newspapers.

Sixth Form courses are designed not only for those students who are aiming at university or college entrance but also for those who may wish to improve the qualifications they have already acquired before leaving school for further education or employment. Students who wish to return to the Sixth Form must show they have the capacity and the will to make successful use of their time spent in advanced work. A significant indicator of this is their academic approach and performance in Year 11.

The aim of Hazelwick Sixth Form is to provide a high quality post-16 education which will enable students to reach the best possible standards of achievement in both academic and personal development. High expectations, strong teaching and excellent relationships are key features of the sixth form. All sixth formers are expected to take charge of their own learning so that, through both individual effort and teamwork, they attain the highest possible academic success and develop an approach to life that will be of permanent benefit to them.

We wish all those entering the sixth form to make an informed, sensible decision about their next step. The school has made and continues to make a considerable investment in its sixth formers and we are proud of their academic achievements, which have been distinctive at a national level for many years.

Full details of the course provision and organisation of the Sixth Form are set out in the Sixth Form section of our website. As with option choice in Years 9, 10 and 11, flexibility of choice is of paramount importance and the school timetable is freshly reconstructed every year around student subject combination requests.

For further information about our curriculum:
Complete our online enquiry form, email or call 01293 403344.