Alongside Mr Chalmers, Mr Leadbitter and Mr Croft, I had the pleasure of watching presentations from eight Year 12 teams, who pitched their business plans in the hope of being chosen to represent our school in the Youth Enterprise Challenge. Any of the groups could have been selected; all had worked...
News, Events & Activities from the Food Technology Department...
The extract below is from the Headteacher's December Newsletter. This is a selection of photos of some of our Year 9 students having festive fun making Gingerbread Biscuits.
As is evident from the number of pages in the newsletter, we have been very busy at Hazelwick this month! There have been educational visits, including 264 Year 7 students travelling to Lodge Hill over 4 days for a day of fun, sport and team-building activities. We have welcomed external visitors an...
This year the Music and Drama departments have collaborated for the autumn concert, showcasing the work that our talented students have been creating in their extra-curricular clubs. With over 80 performers and an eager technical crew featuring some new talent from Year 7, the fairy-lit stage...
News, Events & Activities from the History Department
October is Black History Month in the UK and the History department have been running a series of events to celebrate this as shown on the poster. All year groups have had an assembly based on this year’s theme of reclaiming narratives which has been followed up with a House quiz completed in...
Appointment of the Sixth Form Student Leadership Team
A number of students put themselves forward to be part of our Sixth Form Leadership Team and, after a rigorous selection process, I am delighted to inform you that we have selected six to form our team for 2024-25
It has been a real pleasure to welcome our new Year 7 students into our school. They have settled in really quickly, finding their way around easily and contributing positively already to our school community. It is great to see that they are enjoying being here too. Below are some...
At A-level this summer, Hazelwick students once again achieved truly outstanding results. 53 students achieved all grades at A*/A with a fantastic 44% of all grades between A* and B, which is testament to students’ hard work and determination.
Amongst these wonderful...
As we approach the end of the school year, we have many things to celebrate in the House System. Through the exciting events that have happened across the year, hundreds of thousands of points (literally!) have been earned. We finished the year with the Sports Days, which were a huge amount of fun...