Busy time at Hazelwick as always

As is evident from the number of pages in the newsletter, we have been very busy at Hazelwick this month! There have been educational visits, including 264 Year 7 students travelling to Lodge Hill over 4 days for a day of fun, sport and team-building activities. We have welcomed external visitors and speakers to Hazelwick, giving our students a glimpse of opportunities in the world of work. Our Heads of House and House Leaders have been busy leading a range of activities for our students to be engaged in. Hazelwick students have also experienced success at all levels in a variety of sporting endeavours
This year we will once again be collecting for the local charity Crawley Open House. Some form groups are already bringing in donations and we anticipate that staff and sixth formers will join them in giving food items, toiletries, scarves and gloves. Should any parents/carers like to contribute, please bring items to reception. Staff at Crawley Open House are always delighted to receive support from Hazelwick and we enjoy contributing to this fantastic facility in our community.
All good wishes
Ms Fearon