
Our students have been able to enjoy some fantastic activities both in school and off site during the last month.
A group of 87 students from Year 9 completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expedition on the 8th and 9th June in Dorking. Thankfully it was beautiful weather and the early morning start meant they were able to see a wonderful sunrise. Despite not participating in a practice expedition, students did admirably, and their perseverance and resilience were commendable. The students completed two days of walking, carrying all their equipment for a minimum of 6 hours per day and then camped for one night, as part of their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. They put their navigation skills to the test and developed their confidence and the ability to solve problems as a team. The teamwork shown over the weekend was also applaudable; the students supported one another and took care of each other as it was a new experience to many. Well done to all the students involved; we are very proud of you.
Another wonderful evening of celebration was held on Friday 21st June, with Year 11 students travelling by coach to The Holiday Inn Hotel, Brighton. Delicious food, great music, dancing and laughter combined to make this a truly memorable event. Once again, our students were a credit to the school.
All good wishes,
Ms A. Fearon